Duration of class – 60hours with Mock Test practice. Timings: Week days Morning session 09.30am to 1.00pm & 1:30pm to 5.00pm.Weekends Morning 10.00am to 6.00pm.
This course will cover the basics of C++ programming language. It is intended for beginners with little to no experience in programming.
This course is a security credential course that focuses on core penetration testing concepts and skills. The Advanced Penetration Tester Training in Dubai provides you with a real-world hands-on penetration testing experience and is a nationally accepted hacking and penetration ...[Read more]
Introduction to the world of Python and all that it entails.
Age Limit: 10 years and above. Certificate: Completion certificate provided. Program Highlights: Equip your child with future-ready tech skills through comprehensive training in advanced technologies. Learn, train, and grow with the best learning experience!
Concepts Covered Create Your Superhero Coding Through Minecraft Metaverse Modding Games Multiplayer Games Minecraft Key Projects Golden Stair Leap Of Faith Magic Stick Survival Game Boat Racing Game Multiplayer Survival Game Based on Microsoft M...[Read more]
Coding with Scratch: Concepts & Projects Concepts Covered: Coding Fundamentals Sequence, Loops, Events, Conditions, Functions Storytelling & Animation Key Projects: Jumping Game Catcher Game Pong Game Clicker Game Aquarium Frog & Butterfly Story Flap...[Read more]
KidsCode Summer BootcampAges: 5–12Duration: 7 days (Summer holidays) Modules: Building Games with Scratch (MIT Technology) Creating Circuits with TinkerCAD Web Development (HTML & CSS) Focus: Programming and analytical skills.
Learn the Basics: Python, Java, C, C++, C# Minecraft Coding & Roblox Game Development Web Design
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence. It is also a ground-breaking technology that has powered some of our most important applications in the last few years. Machine learning powers social media feeds, voice-activated assistants, facial recognition technology, ...[Read more]
With the data explosion in today's world of business, companies worldwide are looking into leveraging and monetizing their data. This is where data science and AI come in handy. Data scientists use AI to skim through extremely large data sets, extract what is relevant, and provid...[Read more]
Artificial Intelligence is the technology that will power many of our future technologies in medicine, e-commerce, and robotics, and the most commonly used programming language for AI is Python. Python is a pillar in the programming world and is widely used in artificial intellig...[Read more]
Front-end web development is a wide and varied field that allows us to create not only well-designed, responsive websites, but also useful web applications that can be used in our daily lives. In the last course of this web development track, you will use all your knowledge of HT...[Read more]
In the second course of this track, you will directly build on the knowledge you gained in Web Development Level 1. You will learn new web development concepts, including more advanced CSS properties. You will also learn how to code in JavaScript to add functionality and interact...[Read more]
547,200 websites are created every day. Also, a website is the face of the business online, and it can reach the widest and broadest audience. So, every business today is spending a lot of effort designing and developing the finest website possible. In the first course of this tr...[Read more]
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