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Taito Education Ltd

Taito Education Ltd

Better Education For A Better World


TAITO Education Ltd, (company number 10815712) is a UK-based organisation engaged in enhancing teaching and learning experiences in K-12 education sector worldwide. We work with governments, schools, early years settings and other education providers to help and achieve change in teaching and learning. Our products and services enrich, engage and simplifies the teaching and learning experiences of educators and learners by imparting the necessary skill set to succeed in today’s competitive, multicultural and global environment. We are committed to improve every student’s experience and develop those who teach or coach them. In partnership with awarding organisations from UK and Finland, we offer accredited qualifications that are designed to equip teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community. Taito provides consultancy and change services to help our customers to make strategic and practical changes to the way they engage with their stakeholders. Our unique pedagogy on experiential learning groom learners to be creative, innovative, explore and excel in their career pathway. We help every student to unleash their full potential to shape their own future. Our Quality Assurance services make it possible for new or existing institutions engaged in K-12 sector to be recognised for their commitment to uphold the standards of education, skills and effective safeguarding of children. Taito has partnered with organisations engaged in transforming the educational eco system with their proven products and services in K-12 sector. We understand and focus on making the desires of educators, learners, parents and other stake holders a reality.


Teacher Training Programs CACHE Teacher Training Program Professional Development Courses Educational Games Math pro Science pro Online Gaming Platform

Classes Available Classes Available for:

Academic Enrichment:
Academic Enrichment:
Language, Creative Thinking
English, Science, Maths
STEM Classes:
STEM Classes:
Advanced Maths, Science Projects
High School:
High School:
Chemistry, English, Hindi, Maths
English, Science, Maths

Location Center Location at Al Nahada