Are you a low performer in French? Read this

Home»Are you a low performer in French? Read this

With gratitude to new generation academic curricula, today’s students have a wide access and reach to learning a foreign language at school level. Some studious students consider this as an opportunity while others like me who were low performers consider it as an extra baggage in their academic journey.

I studied French in Grade 9 & 10. My board exams were approaching and like every other board student; my parents had great aspiration from me to pass in the upcoming board exams. That’s all they could ask from a below average student like me. I still remember, I scored 38/100 in my pre-board exams in French with a horrendous remark from my French Teacher for messing up in recipe writing and she wrote a comment, ‘Who will eat this recipe’? Humiliation from the teacher and mocking from fellow friends about my marks in French made me feel terribly low. Though I didn’t have great motivation to do well in French, with private tutoring I managed to scrap through my board exam with a 55/100. My parent's dream came true.

I always wondered what the connection of French in my life was and today I realize its true meaning. However, in Grade 11 I had no choice in my Junior college other than to choose French as my second language. This time French was easier to me than before because of the teaching methodologies. From nowhere I developed a liking for the language I hated the most and this interest made me score a 95/100 in my 12th Board exam.

They say, ‘Only a mentor can show you a way’. My way towards French was shown by my mentor and former French teacher Ms. Samina Malubhoy who pursued me to take up French to the next level by externally learning French at the Alliance Francaise and opened the door for me to be a part of an Exchange Program to France. I was the only student from my college (St.Mira’s College for Girls, Pune) to be a part of this program. An exciting, effective and learning experience was gained while I was staying with a French family for 21 days through the exchange program. Did God say this is the end of French in my life? NO.

I was encouraged to take private tuitions by my mentor from the age of 18 years and still continuing. I worked in my college (St.Mira’s College) as a French Lecturer for almost a year and then a French Trainer at various institutes and colleges in Pune and Dubai.

Lesson to be learnt from my experience:

1. Past is not equal to future: If you are a low performer in French, never consider yourself to be weak in it. It’s only the way you saw the subject was weak.

2. Be your own teacher: You learn better when you teach. Why do you think teachers know their subject well, is only because they are in touch with the subject every day and they share their knowledge. If you teach your own self, you will see \learning the subject quicker.

3. Learn newer study skills: Never burden your brain to study verbs and grammar rules to mug up. You will give up by boredom. Instead, create flash cash cards to grammar rules, make big chart papers with verb conjugations, draw and learn your literature answers, you will see French from a different angle.

4. Compete yourself: Always compete with your previous marks, you will feel accomplished and content. Instead, if you compete with your friends, de-motivation will knock your door. Beware!

5. Know your weakness: Practice your weakness more than your strengths. If grammar is your weakness, practice topics that you feel are weak to you in plenty.

More than 200 students have been benefited in person through my techniques in private tutoring. I believe that I can connect and understand a low performer better because I have been one in my school days and relate to the challenges the student faces.

To all the Low performers – Stay fit, Don’t worry. Just see French as your passion, French will like you.

To all the Average performers – You are almost there. Brush up your grammar and writing rules. Practice more, you will achieve better.

To all the Above average performers- You are already earning your brownie points in French. Nurture your talent of learning French and upgrade it to the next level. Choose your career in French!

Bonne Chance à tous!

Posted by: Radhika Murali. in Languages | Date: 25/01/2017

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