Poetry - The English Language and Literature

Home»Poetry - The English Language and Literature

The heart and the mind always co-exist and so does learning and happiness. But do you think that students today love what they learn? The answer to this from an educator would be, "NO". It is not because they are not interested but because we as educators or parents tend to make the process of learning boring.

As a child, I was always engrossed in the English language and literature. The way poetry connected to me was improbable. At the age of ten, I understood the depths of the poems I read. I connected to the Julius Caesar novel I had in my Grade 8. But not all kids recognize their area of interest. As a motivator and the graven image that teachers have on their students' minds, it is equally important for us as educators to help students by getting to their level to make them understand concepts. How many of us try to find out the real reason for students to be absent for days, or for that matter try to find the reason for the lunchbox that remains untouched, or talk to that child that stares outside the window sitting alone at recess. Most of us do not try to make these little modifications to connect with children around us. Once these advancements are made, we can watch out the difference.

I remember in my first year of teaching I had a student who always had difficulty writing from the blackboard. He was slow in writing, struggled and could never complete his classwork on time. I had made it a habit to talk to my students one on one during lunch break. It happened to be this student's chance and he told me that he wanted to learn but could not write. Having observed him for days and helping him by changing his class seat to the first bench I realized there might be an issue with his eyesight and Yes! That was indeed the cause. His parents thanked me, and I felt so good to have connected the dots for one of my students. There are many such heart-touching stories that I have collected over my experience with kids.

But one suggestion to all the adults reading this- Be it your child or mine, it is our responsibility together to take care of young minds and hearts. Make sure you spend time with your kids. Listen to them, do not laugh at them. Let those beautiful hearts never turn their face away from you or close their eyes in sadness. A happy childhood leads to healthy adulthood...

On the picture is my favorite poem- ''IF'' by Rudyard Kipling

Posted by: Ayesha Nayyer. in English | Date: 17/08/2022

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